

Dr. 基肖尔·拉克什曼,医学博士,公共卫生硕士, is a Board-Certified Endocrinologist and Clinical Andrologist, and serves as the Director of the Center for Sexual Health at Prima-CARE Medical Center. 他致力于创造温暖, welcoming environment that encourages open and stigma-free discussions about sexual health.

Dr. Lakshman's practice is rooted in the belief that sexual health is a key component of overall well-being. He recognizes sexual dysfunction as a shared concern that affects both partners equally. 在中心, treatment plans are carefully personalized to align with each patient’s preferences, 舒适程度, 预算, 和价值观. These therapies are designed to restore confidence, enhance self-image, and strengthen relationships.



  • 低睾酮(Low T)
  • 性欲低下
  • 勃起功能障碍(ED)
  • 男性不育
  • 早泄
  • Gynecomastia (Excessive breast tissue in men)
  • 头皮毛发稀疏或脱落
  • 减肥管理


  • Peri- and Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • 女性性功能障碍(消防处)
  • 低睾酮(Low T)
  • 头皮毛发稀疏或脱落
  • 毛发生长过度(多毛症)
  • 减肥管理

    变性人健康: Dr. Lakshman provides gender-affirming hormone therapy and works in collaboration with regional organizations to offer comprehensive care. He coordinates with resources for psychological counseling, 上/下手术, and facial feminization or masculinization surgery.

    Regenerative Medicine and Erectile Dysfunction

    Dr. Lakshman offers innovative regenerative therapies for erectile dysfunction, including:

    • 冲击波疗法: A non-surgical procedure that uses high-frequency acoustic waves to improve blood flow to the penis.
    • PRP阴茎注射: A treatment that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to enhance erectile function. PRP is harvested directly from the patient in the office.


    Customized treatment plans for scalp hair loss in both men and women are created after investigating hormonal causes. 治疗方案包括:

    • 口服制剂
    • 局部代理
    • 富血小板血浆(PRP)治疗

    FAQs on Prima-CARE’s Center for Sexual Health

    What testosterone replacement therapy options do you offer?

    • 注射睾酮(如.g., Testosterone Cypionate/Enanthate or Aveed®)
    • Testosterone pellet implants (every 3-4 months)
    • Daily skin application of testosterone gel (AndroGel®, Testim®, Fortesta®, Axiron®)
    • 口服睾酮(e.g.、Jatenzo®、Tlando®、Kyzatrex®)

    Do you offer therapies to restore natural testosterone production?

    是的,博士. 拉克什曼提供的治疗方法包括:

    • 口服天然补充剂
    • 口服药物治疗(如.g.(克罗米芬、昂科米芬、阿那曲唑)
    • 注射疗法(例如.g., Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, recombinant Follicle Stimulating Hormone)


    是的, we offer tailored weight loss management programs for both men and women, 包括激素评估, 饮食建议, 以及医学疗法. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a personalized approach.

    What is peri- and postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

    激素替代疗法帮助女性控制更年期症状, 比如潮热, 情绪波动, 睡眠障碍, 泌尿和生殖器症状(如.g., vaginal dryness, frequent urination, or urinary tract infections), and sexual dysfunction. We create individualized plans using a combination of hormones like estrogen, 孕酮, 和睾丸素 to restore balance and improve quality of life.

    How do you treat female sexual dysfunction (FSD)?

    Treatment for FSD includes hormone replacement therapy (HRT) utilizing estrogen, 孕酮, 和睾丸素. We offer personalized therapy plans and medications to address issues such as low libido/arousal, 性交疼痛, 或者难以达到高潮. Our approach is compassionate, comprehensive, and tailored to each woman's unique needs.


    We offer a range of treatments for hair thinning and hair loss, 包括口服和局部用药, as well as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Each treatment plan is customized based on the underlying cause of hair loss, 不管是荷尔蒙还是其他因素.


    是的, we evaluate and treat male infertility through hormonal therapies, 生活方式的修改, and medications aimed at improving sperm count and quality. Treatment options may include testosterone restoration and other medical interventions to optimize fertility.

    What is regenerative medicine, and how can it help with sexual health?

    Regenerative medicine focuses on harnessing the body’s natural ability to heal and regeneratetissues. 促进性健康, this can include therapies like 冲击波疗法 and PRP阴茎注射, which are designed to improve blood flow and tissue health without surgery.

    What is 冲击波疗法, and how does it help with erectile dysfunction (ED)?

    冲击波疗法 is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-frequency acoustic waves to improve blood flow to the penis, 增强勃起功能. It is a safe and effective option for men seeking alternatives to surgery or medication for ED.

    What is the PRP阴茎注射, and how does it work?

    The PRP阴茎注射 uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood to rejuvenate tissue and improve erectile function. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be done in the office. Results vary, but many patients report improved sexual performance and confidence.

    For more information, please call our office at 508-235-0481 and book a consultation. Our team will gladly discuss all your options.


    (内分泌、糖尿病 & 《澳门金沙手机官方网址》,《澳门金沙手机官方官网》]